Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sometimes being resourceful doesn't work out so well...

So I have this cookbook, The New York Times Cook Book, published in 1990. I realized the other day that I really haven't used it much. There is no particular reason for this. I love New York. And just look at the cover, the gold label glistening in the fading light of another busy day. It is a beacon, calling to me to make use of its tempting treasures within... Yes! I resolve to answer the call and make this my new "go-to" cookbook.

Following thus stated resolution, I probed the pages of my pristine cook book this afternoon, seeking inspiration for a quick and easy supper. Just needing a soup recipe to go with the fresh bread I baked. Oh, and it is Wednesday... In our house, Wednesday Night is Soup Night.

Okay. Easy, quick, and using what I have on hand. Guess that will eliminate 95% of the recipes-- (Note to self: Go grocery shopping!)

But wait! Page 64 offers a feasible solution! Quick Cold Beet Soup. (Well, it was hot here in TN today.) Pantry Check~ Beets: yes. Onion: yes. Salt, pepper, lemon juice: yes, yes, yes. Mashed potatoes: yes --leftover from the Baconfest, needing to get used up! Chicken stock , sour cream, ice cubes? Yes, yes, yes. I have it all!

Happily I follow the easy directions, and process everything in my food processor. Oops, that went a bit above the liquid line. I guess that line is there for a reason... Well, it is a pretty shade of... PINK. Uh-oh.

Those who know me realize that this may present a small problem in my male dominated household. Little Miss doesn't even care too much for pink, and it has never been my favorite color (with the exception being outside in my front flower bed, of course!).

Wow, that isn't just pink. It is PeptoBismol pink. This may be one of those times when being resourceful is going to result in... a simple bread and butter supper. Hmm. Bread: yes. Butter: yes. It's all good.

We learn from the things that don't always turn out as planned, right? Any lessons you want to share?


  1. Well, Beth, since you asked! The kiddos couldn't get past the color to enjoy the flavor, which actually wasn't half bad. Kind of a smooth, tangy, savory, faintly beet and potato flavor... I had Kent try it with his eyes closed first. He thought it was a good thing, otherwise he wouldn't have had any either!
